Following are the booklets that covers the entire syllabus of CLAT :-
- Legal Aptitude [LA]
- Legal Reasoning [LR]
- Quantitative Techniques
- Logical Reasoning
- English Language
- General Knowledge
- Indian Constitutional Development.
Contents that covers the above booklets are as following :-
Legal Aptitude covers the topics like Legal Awareness , Important Legal Terms, Constitutional Law, Landmark Judgements, Commissions And Forums etc. There are questions in the end of each of the above topics. Also 5 comprehensive tests with answers for practice on above topics. Moreover you will get the previous years questions and answers.
Legal Reasoning[LR] is an integral part of Law entrance and we cover them separately. It covers the understanding and differences of IPC , CrPC types of law bailable and Non bailable warrants. We covers questions on legal Principle with factual Situation as asked in CLAT Entrance tests.
Quantitative Techniques subject we covers Charts like Pie Charts, Bar Graphs, Line Graphs, Table Charts besides questions and tricks on elementary mathematics.
Logical Reasoning consists of Analytical Reasoning Like Statement Course of Action, Syllogism, Statement Assumption, Questions on Blood Relation, Coding Decoding, Seating Arrangement, Data Arrangement with lots of practice questions and descriptive answers.
English Language we covers mainly comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary besides we touch Prefixes and suffixes , Antonyms and Synonyms, Idioms and phrases, One word Substitution, Sentence Completion, Spotting Errors Cloze Tests and some other important topics.
What our achievers say about the study material–
I have self studied with the Study material by Eduiq and it helps me to crack the exam- Kaniska Gunjiyal (Kaniska Gunjiyal)
Covers the whole syllabus and good no of test series really helpful to achieve our ranks – M. Bai Prathiti (Nalsar – Hyderabad)