IAS Topper GS Handwritten Test Series Copy Notes 2021 by Vision IAS in English for UPSC Mains and Other Competitive Exam Preparations 2022. The study material has been compiled by EducomIQ Notes Possesses 1 booklet and a Total no of 1198 pages containing 23 test series of the following Toppers:-
- Sonali Dev Rank-41 –Â (4-GS Test Copy)
- Pulkit Rank-65 –Â (3-GS Test Copy)
- Shraddha Gome Rank-60 – Â (2-GS Test Copy)
- Shradha Shukla Rank-45 –Â (3-GS Test Copy)
- Shreya Shree Rank-71 –Â (2-GS Test Copy)
- Parth Gupta Rank-72 –Â (2-GS Test Copy)
- Surbhi singla Rank-75 –Â (4-GS Test Copy)
- Surbhi Goyal Rank-78 –Â (3-GS Test Copy)
(This Material is Printed Photocopy Study Material Printed with Advanced Printer Photocopy Machine)